



jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

diferencia entre el pollo y el pavo


The domestic fowl or red rooster (Gallus gallus) is a domestic bird in the family Phasianidae and one of the four species of the genus Gallus. The domestic chicken is perhaps the most numerous bird on the planet, it is estimated that more than 13 000 million. [1]
Roosters and chickens are raised mainly for their meat and eggs. Also use their feathers, and some varieties are bred and trained for use in cockfighting. Chicken is called juvenile animal species.
Red Rooster is herbivorous and insectivorous. Can not distinguish the sweetness and most do not like salty. [2] Their lifespan is between 5 and 10 years depending on the breed.

Proponer una traducción mejor  CARACTERISTICAS DEL PAVO : Turkey is a gallinaceous, as is the pheasant, the rooster, partridge or quail, but large. In fact the bird farm is the largest (if obvious to the ostriches are bred in captivity for food).
The turkey can weigh up to 20 kg in the larger breeds, although there are breeds of turkey much smaller. Smaller turkeys do not exceed 10 kg.The wild turkey is usually smaller, and usually does not exceed 11 kg in weight.

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